Romans 1:12 | Share Your Faith
I set out on an adventure today to find an arbor for my garden. This great arbor hunt started from a Facebook post in a community group I belong to, accompanied by some fantastic photos that really reeled me in. After my afternoon errands were finished, I headed to the edge of town and found a quaint farm. I expected to find some neat stuff because of the photos I had seen online, but what I hadn't expected to find was the truly enjoyable, relaxing peace that this farm held. Upon arriving, I met Brenda who was working on pricing and organizing her amazing collection she had amassed from traveling throughout the country. I had no qualms telling her what a fantastic picker she was! Brenda and I shared an easygoing conversation about topics from animals to children to death to God. In my humble opinion, when you meet someone who believes, it doesn't take long for you to recognize that in each other and begin speaking of God and His precious son. Brenda told me about some very ...